Beginning Of Your Wellness Journey » Ciccone Wellness Center

Ciccone Wellness Center

Beginning of your Wellness Journey

The Impact of Excess Weight on Your Health: Nine Key Health Issues You Should Know
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

The Impact of Excess Weight on Your Health: Nine Key Health Issues You Should Know

Being overweight is not just about the scale; for many who carry excess weight, losing 5% to 15% of their total weight can dramatically improve weight-related health problems.
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Ozempic and Wegovy for Weight Loss: Never Trust a Quick Fix!
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Ozempic and Wegovy for Weight Loss: Never Trust a Quick Fix!

Ozempic has become a household name, however, it’s crucial to understand that weight loss is not what this diabetes medication was initially intended for.
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Let’s Talk Inflammation!
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Let’s Talk Inflammation!

Inflammation causes symptoms from joint pain, fatigue, hot flashes and weight gain to anxiety, mood swings and depression. Learn about preventing inflammation.
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Lessons from the Alzheimer’s Unit and the Importance of Preventative Health
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Lessons from the Alzheimer’s Unit and the Importance of Preventative Health

Alzheimer’s is a tragic condition affecting more than six million Americans of all ages. Are there lifestyle changes you can make now to decrease your risks?
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Embrace Sun: 6 Compelling Reasons to Soak Up Some Rays Daily
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Embrace Sun: 6 Compelling Reasons to Soak Up Some Rays Daily

While it's important to prevent excessive exposure, there are numerous benefits to be gained from the sun. Here are some compelling reasons to get outside.
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Embrace the Sun Safely: Your Guide to Chemical-Free Sunscreens for Healthy Skin
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Embrace the Sun Safely: Your Guide to Chemical-Free Sunscreens for Healthy Skin

Wary of chemical sunscreens due to potentially harmful side effects? Let us help you navigate the world of clean sunscreens and find safer, effective options.
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Keys to Men’s Health
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Keys to Men’s Health

We explore the concept of holistic wellness for men, focusing on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects, which can enhance overall well-being, improve quality of life, and prevent various health issues.
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Where Are You on the List?
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Where Are You on the List?

Unfortunately, as a woman, it's unlikely that you will fall on any list of priorities that you will create for your week, month, or even year. Every day I speak to women who never put themselves first, who drain their emotional and physical meters daily, and wonder why they are so unhealthy and unfulfilled. We wear that badge of exhaustion...
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Conditioning thoughts
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Conditioning thoughts

As a 46-year-old woman it amazes me what we’ve been conditioned to believe about our bodies. I fell into that trap last year when I gained fifteen pounds in a very short amount of time. My brain was saying “You’re at that age now.” My entire life I’ve heard the stories, read articles, seen advertisements, and listened to my elders...
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Did someone say exercise?
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Did someone say exercise?

The word exercise has been a common theme in all our lives since birth. I’m sure most of you have at least heard the term “Tummy Time” and most of us were made aware of how important it was for our newborns. Literally, as soon as the umbilical stump falls off it’s right into our first experience with exercising! Barely...
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What’s Stress Got To Do With It?
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

What’s Stress Got To Do With It?

As we enter into the new year here is a new thing you can focus on to maximize your health. Over the past few years I have seen more and more people getting sick through being under tremendous stress. Many people look at car accidents or falls like a significant trauma but often dismiss emotional stress because they can’t see...
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Nutrition: The Building Blocks of the Body
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Nutrition: The Building Blocks of the Body

This may sound like a ridiculous question, but would you ever think to build a skyscraper out of twigs and mud?  I’m not one to put a limit on possibilities, but twigs and mud are not the ideal building materials for a skyscraper, a tall building, or even a large house.  Let’s face it, we all live on Earth and...
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New Year, New You?  Our advice for a healthier lifestyle
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

New Year, New You? Our advice for a healthier lifestyle

Here’s what I know about myself: I like convenience If I have good options, I will choose healthy, more often than not If I enjoy it, I will do it If it makes me feel good, I’m more likely to continue to do it What does all of that mean when it comes to, healthy weight loss for example? It...
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Hormone Testing – the missing puzzle piece
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Hormone Testing – the missing puzzle piece

Having trouble losing weight?  Unexpected hair loss freaking you out?  Loss of sex drive or worse, your partner has a seemingly insatiable appetite for love?  Are you curious if you have any predispositions for certain types of cancer? Hormones are extremely important.  They play an integral part of human growth, development, healing, and metabolism to name a few major functions. ...
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Enhancing your Body’s Biochemistry
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Enhancing your Body’s Biochemistry

How your body processes chemicals will vary based on several factors.  If you have read the previous blogs, you may start to get an idea of how factors outside and inside your body can and will change your body’s preferences to retain water and fat while causing you to be bloated and gassy.  What about if all of those factors...
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Stool Testing
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

Stool Testing

Let’s talk poop! Before we begin, let’s get all of the jokes out now.  Go ahead, really clear the air.  Most people know squat about poop.  There are several factors at play when it comes to sustaining a healthy gut.  Since the advent of germ theory, it seems that every time there is a mention in the news about an...
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What to Expect at the Beginning
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

What to Expect at the Beginning

At the beginning... So you know what your food allergies are. Finally, a piece of the puzzle to help you get to optimal health! But how exactly do you avoid foods that may be a staple in your diet? For the vast majority of people the hard and fast approach is to just cut them out of your diet. Raid...
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What You Can Expect on Your Wellness Journey
Beginning of your Wellness Journey

What You Can Expect on Your Wellness Journey

In our office we like to get a sense of what brought a patient to us. For most, it’s a chronic issue that has been lingering and they have had enough of it, or the problem has progressed after time and gotten worse. We like to provide our patients the GPS directions on how to get from where they are,...
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Recent Post
Heart-Healthy Eating: 5 Diet Changes to Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Heart-Healthy Eating: 5 Diet Changes to Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Preventing heart disease is key to lowering your risk of heart attack. Here are some small dietary changes that could...
Using our therapeutic anti-inflammatory weight loss program, Debbie lost 100 POUNDS in 9 months!

Using our therapeutic anti-inflammatory weight loss program, Debbie lost 100 POUNDS in 9 months!

She told us she would and she did! Using our therapeutic anti-inflammatory weight loss program, Debbie lost 100 POUNDS in...
The Impact of Excess Weight on Your Health: Nine Key Health Issues You Should Know

The Impact of Excess Weight on Your Health: Nine Key Health Issues You Should Know

Being overweight is not just about the scale; for many who carry excess weight, losing 5% to 15% of their...