Where Are They Now? Installment 5: Tara

Ciccone Wellness Center

Patient spotlight headshot of Tara

Where Are They Now? Installment 5: Tara

In the pursuit of optimal health, individuals often face numerous challenges and obstacles. However, there are remarkable stories of perseverance and transformation that deserve recognition and celebration. Today, we proudly share the inspiring journey of one of our weight loss program graduates, who, even after five months since completing the program, has continued to maintain her incredible results while experiencing a renewed sense of vitality and well-being.

At the onset of her wellness journey, our client’s primary focus was on achieving healing. A courageous breast cancer survivor, she was determined to prioritize the healing of her body, which had been burdened with the aftermath of cancer-related trauma. Widespread inflammation had plagued her, manifesting as debilitating headaches, back pain, high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue, and distressing hot flashes. Seeking to regain control of her life and embark on a path to long-lasting well-being, she joined our weight loss program with unwavering dedication.

Over the course of the program, our client’s commitment and resilience shone through, as she embraced a comprehensive approach to health that encompassed not only weight loss but also mindful nutrition, and the tools and guidance necessary to navigate this transformative journey. She wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Upon completing the weight loss program, our client emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her extraordinary achievements have not only impacted her physical appearance but have also translated into tangible improvements in her overall well-being. Five months later, we are elated to report that she has not only maintained her impressive weight loss but has also experienced a remarkable transformation in her health and vitality.

We asked Tara a few questions about her experience:

How long has it been since you completed your program?

It’s been about 5 months since I graduated.

What components have you kept after graduation?

All of them! I still fast on occasion, drink apple cider vinegar, cycling through the weight loss phases, and I keep my weekends for having fun “cheat” options, but even then, they are healthier versions. Instead of ordering take-out, we make our own pizza! After the weekends I just jump right back into my post-program plan, and we are right back where we started!

How has your life changed since you’ve changed the way you eat?

I have a much better mindset regarding food choices and health in general. I’ve joined a gym and started working out, my sleep patterns are better, and the program has just given me a whole-body makeover!

How is your weight and body function today in comparison to when you started?

My aches and pains are gone. I no longer wake up in the morning with pain in my feet when I stand up. I have more energy and way fewer hot flashes!

If you were telling a family member that was struggling with inflammation and weight gain-what would you say about the program and your journey?

Just do it! You will not regret making this life changing investment. I share my experience with friends, family, and even strangers at the gym that ask what I’ve been doing!

On a scale of 1-10 what number accurately describes your experience with us?

10 plus, plus, plus. I love seeing all my friends that have joined and the success that they have all had.