My Wellness & Weight Loss Journey » Ciccone Wellness Center

Ciccone Wellness Center

Latisha Brooks

My Wellness & Weight Loss Journey

What brought you to Ciccone Chiropractic and Wellness Center?

I was tired of being tired, having no energy, and seeing my weight constantly trickling upwards. My body and joints hurt so bad that I was taking Advil and Tylenol around the clock daily. I had been to the doctor and specialist and nothing could be found as to why my body was inflamed. So when I saw the ad on FB, I called to see if they had the answer….and they did!

What positives can you share with us regarding your wellness journey?

I have been on the program for 40 days. My joints are not painful, I’m sleeping better, and I no longer have to take OTC medication throughout the day. I have energy! Like legit energy! I’m getting projects done that before I was too fatigued to even think about how to conquer. AND I’M LOSING WEIGHT!

Can you tell us your top health goal for this year?

This year, my top health goal is to live my best life going forward. Learning how my body works and what it likes and doesn’t like. Being active with my adult children.

What keeps you focused on staying healthy?

I feel so much better and that is what keeps me going and making the best decisions for my eating.

How has working with us been different than other things you’ve tried?  

I have the BEST coaches, Tieva and Dorian. They have been right here anytime I have needed them for questions or when my weight plateaus. I have not had someone so dedicated to making sure I succeed. They are teaching me what my body needs and likes and knowing the difference in what is ok and what is BEST. I am so thankful for these two every day! No other plan has done this with me, and believe me, I’ve tried them all! Thanks for taking the time to work with me and believe in me! 

— Latisha Brooks