I recently had the pleasure of catching up with my client Doreen, who successfully completed the Anti-inflammatory Weight Loss Program 14 months ago. Join us as we delve into her experiences, insights, and the transformative impact this program has had on her life.
Malory: Doreen, I am so glad to have this opportunity to check in with you and hear about your life post-program. What initially motivated you to start the program, and how did you feel about your health and weight at that time?
Doreen: My motivation was to improve my health and reach my goal weight. I had been using a different program but was not making the progress I had hoped to achieve. Upon starting the Anti-inflammatory Weight Loss Program, I was struggling to reach my weight loss goal, experiencing headaches, back pain, dizziness after having Covid, arthritis, and poor sleep. I wanted to feel better!
Malory: We love that you chose us to join you on your path towards better health. Can you share some improvements you’ve noticed in your overall health and well-being since completing the program?
Doreen: Absolutely! My energy levels increased, allowing me to significantly increase my daily bike ride miles. I’ve incorporated exercises like planking to boost my strength. I no longer suffer from headaches, back pain, arthritis aches, or poor sleep. Even my post-Covid dizziness has improved.

Malory: I love to hear about those positive changes! Maintaining weight loss is often challenging. What dietary and lifestyle changes have you continued to implement that you learned from the anti-inflammatory weight loss program that have been key to your successful weight maintenance over the past 14 months?
Doreen: I continue to use the foods that I learned were fat burners for me, and limit the carbs that caused me to gain weight. I continue to log my foods, and I believe that has helped me stay successful.
Malory: That’s a great strategy. Have you integrated additional principles from the anti-inflammatory diet into your long-term habits, and what are your go-to anti-inflammatory foods?
Doreen: Most days I stick to intermittent fasting and eat all my meals and snacks in a 7-hour window. My go-to meal is chicken or turkey with mushrooms, onions, and peppers and a snack of strawberries and blueberries.
Malory: Intermittent fasting can be a game-changer for staying on track. Any extra tips or tricks that have helped you stay on track with healthy eating and exercise?
Doreen: Working on my mindset each morning sets the tone for the day ahead.
Malory: Excellent advice, mindset is extremely important and a big part of our program. How do you handle situations that might trigger unhealthy choices, like social gatherings or holidays?
Doreen: I always try to be prepared with my own easily portable healthy food options, and often bring my own salad dressing with me. I allow myself some indulgences because not enjoying some chocolate and ice cream occasionally is not a balanced way of living and eating.

Malory: It’s all about finding that balance and we work hard throughout the program to teach our clients exactly how to do that. Have you had any setbacks or plateaus during the past year, and if so, how did you overcome them?
Doreen: After the program, I lost an additional 10 lbs but realized I was more comfortable at my graduation weight. I chose to regain the 10 lbs and now fluctuate around that. When needed, I work on my mindset, use the tools I’ve learned, and adjust my food choices.
Malory: Have there been any specific sources of support or motivation that have been particularly instrumental in your weight maintenance journey?
Doreen: I have some amazing people in my community that were amazed with my results and makeover and their compliments definitely continue to help fuel my motivation to stay on my wellness journey.
Malory: Can you give us insights into your current meal planning and preparation routines? Any favorite healthy recipes?
Doreen: I use an app to track my food intake and find that planning out my meals in the morning for the day sets me up for success. Quick and easy go-to meals are Egg Life wraps filled with turkey, tuna, or grass-fed beef and soups made with bone broth.
Malory: Sounds delicious, nutritious, and convenient for those busy days! How do you balance maintaining a healthy weight while enjoying your favorite foods or occasional indulgences?
Doreen: Life happens and sometimes I get off-balance with my meals and food choices. When this happens, I know to expect a gain and to feel the effects of the possible inflammatory foods I have indulged in. As mentioned before, occasion indulgence is part of my balance, but I am not perfect and there are times I over indulge. I have found that once I do, my cravings for sugary snacks return. What I’ve also learned is that when I make better choices, these unhealthy cravings subside altogether allowing me to make healthier choices easily. Knowing how each type of food affects me allows me to not be surprised when I do choose to indulge. Knowing how to combat these consequences empowers me to stay in control and maintain my success.

Malory: Wise words for those currently in the middle of their program. What advice or encouragement would you offer to others who are looking to achieve long-term weight loss and maintain their results?
Doreen: My advice would be that this program is the best and easiest program I have tried. And I have tried numerous ones! You will learn life-long lessons in nutrition and health, reduce your inflammation, and the weight loss is a bonus! Plus, you’re never hungry! Your personal coach’s support is awesome and important to have on your journey. I love that even after graduation, if you have additional weight to lose, you are equipped with the tools needed to continue on your own, and you also have the option to continue meeting with your coach for the extra support and accountability if needed.
Malory: Absolutely! Our goal is to set you up for life-long self-success but we are definitely available to continue on with you until you reach your final goal. Finally, how has your weight loss journey impacted your life in terms of confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being?
Doreen: It’s been a blessing for my movement and health, giving me confidence and making me a great advocate for myself. This program taught me to live in a balanced and healthy way, setting me free from guilt. At 71, I am loving and living life to the fullest, and this program has allowed me to do so!

As you can see from the included photos, Doreen really is living her best-life! She is a great example of someone who not only achieved their weight loss goals but has maintained a healthier lifestyle and improved quality of life. The lessons learned, strategies employed, and the profound impact on overall well-being serve as inspiration for anyone on a similar path. Weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining a healthier future and more fulfilling life.