Patty Chambrello – Weight Loss Superstar » Ciccone Wellness Center

Ciccone Wellness Center

Patty after weight loss

Patty Chambrello – Weight Loss Superstar

What brought you to Ciccone Wellness Center?

I was searching for anti-inflammatory diets and found Dr. Dennis’s Webinar on Stress Hormones and Inflammation. I found it fascinating and signed up for a consultation immediately.

What positives can you share with us regarding your wellness journey?

Having had gastric bypass in 2006, I am unable to take anti-inflammatory medications. I recently broke my metatarsal in my foot, and even after it healed, I still experienced swelling and discomfort. After three weeks on the program, the swelling and discomfort are GONE. My overall body pain has diminished greatly, I have more energy than I’ve ever had in my life, and the BEST part is that I am sleeping without sleep aids for the first time since my early 20s.

How is working with us different from other weight loss programs you’ve tried?

I am, as they say, a professional dieter. I’ve tried them all and failed them all. The main difference with this program is that I am held accountable DAILY, leaving no room for error or cheating. The way this program is set up in phases, moving from most restrictive to graduating with all the tools I need for the rest of my life, is so unique. This program works like no other!