Making Healthy Choices at Family Gatherings: BBQ Edition

Ciccone Wellness Center

photo of BBQ food

Making Healthy Choices at Family Gatherings: BBQ Edition

Family gatherings are always a special time to come together, catch up, and enjoy delicious food. However, these occasions can sometimes pose a challenge when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Barbecues, in particular, often tempt us with mouthwatering dishes that are high in calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugars. But fear not! With a little planning and mindful decision-making, you can still have a great time at your family BBQ while making healthier choices. In this blog post, we will share some practical tips to help you stay on track with your health goals while enjoying the festivities.

Be Mindful of Your Portions:

  • Start by using smaller plates or containers, which will naturally limit the amount of food you can serve yourself.
  • Be mindful of your hunger cues and eat slowly, savoring each bite.
  • Remember, it’s better to enjoy a variety of foods in moderation than to overload your plate with unhealthy options.

Load Up on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

  • Take advantage of the vibrant salad options, such as leafy greens, colorful vegetables, and crunchy toppings like seeds or nuts.
  • Opt for a variety of grilled vegetables, which can be delicious and nutritious alternatives to heavier side dishes.
  • Fresh fruit skewers or fruit salads can satisfy your sweet tooth without the need for added sugars.

Choose Lean Protein Options:

  • Opt for lean meats like grilled chicken breast, turkey burgers, or fish instead of processed meats or fatty cuts.
  • If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you can enjoy grilled tofu, veggie burgers, or homemade bean patties as protein alternatives.

Mindful Grilling Techniques:

  • Avoid charring or burning meats, as this can produce potentially harmful compounds.
  • Marinate your proteins before grilling to reduce the formation of these compounds and enhance the flavor.
  • Consider using herbs, spices, and citrus-based marinades to add a burst of flavor without relying on excessive salt or sugary sauces.

Hydrate with Water:

  • Drink water to stay hydrated, quench your thirst, aid in digestion, and keep you feeling satisfied.
  • If you want to add some flavor, infuse your water with fresh fruits, herbs, or a splash of citrus juice.
  • Bring a Zevia, seltzer, or mocktail ingredients to replace the alcoholic drinks

Be Selective with Sides and Condiments:

  • Seek out healthier alternatives like green salads, grilled vegetables, or homemade salsa and guacamole.
  • If you can’t resist the classic condiments, opt for smaller portions or choose reduced-fat and sugar-free versions.

Attending family gatherings like BBQs doesn’t have to derail your health goals. By making mindful choices and following these tips, you can strike a balance between indulgence and nourishment. Remember to savor the moments, enjoy the company of loved ones, and make conscious decisions that support your overall well-being. With a little planning and determination, you can have a great time at family gatherings while staying committed to your healthy lifestyle.