By Christine Dynan
I attended one the inflammation seminars about one year earlier, January 2020. At the time, I had not thought I was experiencing completely bothersome issues but was quite intrigued by the issue of inflammation. I was getting older, body parts were changing, it was easier to believe nature over nurture. It was how things were to be. My thought was I “will counter nature in the gym.” I left the seminar informed but not willing to buy into the wellness idea. Though, at this stage in my life, after losing weight and learning to better treat my body, I did believe in avoiding traditional/modern medicine through behavior.
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Fast-forward to January 2021. I was not completely unhealthy. Over the year, my eating did become freer, and my exercise dwindled to once or twice a week (if I was lucky). But I was feeling like crap and some things were just not adding up. Also, I was diagnosed with stenosis in my cervical and lumbar spine in 2011 and 2015, respectively. I had flareups since the first seminar and was thankfully able to remediate pain with home remedies like cold compress, CBD oil and stretching. But I prefer not to have a flare-up. So, I attended the seminar; this one online thanks to COVID.
My specific areas of concern – bloating, weight gain, and gas. I was always a gassy person (In college a friend referred to me as the gaseous entity – scary!) Maybe TMI, but I could clear a room. After my body’s evolution, a transformation from 2013 to 2017, the gas and bloating seemed to stabilize and lessen. But in 2021 it was back… with a vengeance.
The issue of inflammation was still intriguing to me. The issue was, and continues to be, all the rage in wellness magazines and online. I thought, there’s got to be something about it that is real. Maybe. And maybe I owe it to myself to take the path. I can always turn around. And a friend let me know she was doing the program. I thought “I have to do this.”
So, I logged onto the online seminar. Dr. Dennis was the speaker. I remembered him from a year earlier. The seminar was like the year before. Everything he said made sense, like it did the year before. The difference – me, my mind, my receptors to the information provided.
We always look for blame. I’d like to say it was COVID. Or nature’s punch to the gut. Or a forgotten behavior. Maybe it was a bit of all. But here was the constant in the passage of time – me. I needed to find out about me. And maybe there is something causing me to feel like crap. I’m not one to focus on blame when there is no solution – what would be the purpose. But, if I could figure out a problem and fix it naturally, sign me up! Ciccone Family Chiropractic was that opportunity – to find out what might not be working at its best and ways to allow me to feel better.
So, I said, “Yes” and today continue along the path, which is most assuredly a journey of peaks, valleys, successes, gains, and failures. But that’s life, right? The one significant difference is that the valleys and failures are better than those experienced in life absent the Ciccone Family Chiropractic.