It’s common for our clients to feel skeptical when they first come to us. They’ve been let down before by fad diets or poor nutritional advice, and Dan Smith was no different. He had tried multiple methods to lose weight, even consulting with a dietician his medical doctor had recommended. Dan followed all their guidelines but saw no results and was even accused of not following the plan properly. It was frustrating and deflating for him, to say the least.
Fortunately, Dan regained hope when another one of our clients referred him to our 90-day weight loss program. Our program is different from anything he had tried before, and we’re so glad he gave weight loss another chance. He learned how to eat effectively to maximize his health and minimize inflammation in his body. Rather than following a temporary diet, he gained life-long tools for managing his health and weight for years to come.
The results speak for themselves. Dan lost 39.5 pounds and his A1C is down from 6.7 to 5.9, moving him from the diabetic range to prediabetic. Additionally, he was able to stop taking two diabetes medications! He has successfully graduated from our program and continues to use the tools he has learned to improve his overall health.

Dan’s story is a testament to the effectiveness of our anti-inflammatory and therapeutic weight loss program. Not only did he achieve his weight loss goals, but he also made significant improvements in managing his diabetes. His journey is an inspiration to others who may feel hopeless or stuck in their weight loss and health management efforts.
As we observe Diabetes Awareness Month, we celebrate the successes of clients like Dan. His determination, combined with the right support and guidance, led to a transformation that has significantly improved his quality of life. If you or someone you know is struggling with weight and diabetes management, we encourage you to consider our program. Like Dan, you too can achieve lasting health and wellness.