Weight Loss Program
Weight Loss Program
Most Americans struggle with their weight, and for some, it’s been a lifelong challenge. Are you dealing with inflammation and weight gain, or have you lost weight in the past only to gain it back? Whether you’re facing obesity or trying to lose 20 pounds or more, we have a plan that works for you. Our weight loss program is completely natural and holistic, focusing on whole foods with no prepackaged meals or processed ingredients. We teach you a new way of eating and living, helping you unlearn the toxic myths of diet culture.
Our program is designed to change your metabolic pathways, activate ketosis (fat burning), and eliminate toxins from your diet and body. We’ve tested this program on women in menopause, men over 40, women over 50, and teenagers, and the results speak for themselves—it works for everyone.
Each patient is assigned a personal weight loss coach, and you’ll have a weekly coaching session to ensure you’re on track and to offer support throughout your journey. You also have access to your coach via email and text for ongoing guidance. The goal isn’t just to lose weight—it’s to help you maintain a sustainable, healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the foods you love. This approach empowers you to keep the weight off for good, without the need for extreme diets or deprivation.
If you’re ready to shift your mindset about food and dieting, achieve your weight loss goals, and finally shed those stubborn pounds, contact us today to schedule your free weight loss consultation.
What are the benefits of weight loss?
Our team at Ciccone Health and Weight Loss Center makes weight loss an important part of our practice because of its many health benefits. Losing weight not only makes shopping for clothes more fun, but it also:
- Lowers your risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease
- Decreases cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels
- Reduces joint pain
- Improves sleep
- Boosts confidence and self-esteem
Do I need to follow a strict diet?
Our health professionals have a 91% success rate with their weight loss program because we’ve developed a science-based and tested eating plan just for you that includes all-natural whole foods that activate a metabolic reset.
It’s estimated that more than 90% of people who lose weight following a diet plan gain it back. Diets fail because they don’t consider your individual biology and metabolism. Typical diets are not a one-size-fits-all approach like many claims to be.
Our team creates an eating plan that not only helps you shed the weight, but also resets your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories) while controlling hunger.
Do I have to exercise?
Exercise is not required for our program to work, but we do emphasize the importance of body movement. In the first phase of our weight loss plan, we recommend only light exercise, such as short daily walks, to support your progress. The plan is tailored to your unique biological and metabolic needs, and you will have access to professionals who understand your individual physical limitations.
At the start, you may not be ready for exercise, and that’s perfectly okay! As you progress through the program phases, your coach will guide you in gradually increasing your physical activity if that is one of your goals.
This program is designed to help you achieve lasting results without the need for strenuous exercise. If you’re ready to stop the cycle of losing and regaining weight, this is the plan for you! We’ll provide the tools and guidance to empower you to take control of your health and wellness.
To learn more about our weight loss program, call the office to schedule your consultation.

The above photo captured women who chose to prioritize themselves and their health, some for the first time ever! Combined, these three patients represent 193 pounds of weight loss! More importantly, it also represents a reduction in the risk of developing comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and some cancers, thanks to decreased visceral fat. There are honestly too many non-scale victories amongst the three of them to list here. They are all experiencing an increased quality of life and the best part is they will NEVER need to do another weight loss program!
I am incredibly grateful to these beautiful women for trusting our center and me with their wellness journey.
When will YOU take the first step to put yourself first?
— Coach Malory